Friday, February 3, 2012

Free Internet Radio Slaps The FCC Across The Face

By Matt Cann

Podcasting is, undeniably, becoming a major source of entertainment in today's world of busy commuters and hunched-over cubicle jockeys. Podcasts are a way to removed yourself from the harsh glare of the fluorescent bulbs overhead and enter a world that is tuned in to exactly what you want to talk about. Free Internet radio is taking off like a wildfire across every major city in the United States, Britain, Australia, and Canada. In just a couple more years, people will be talking about what Podcasting superstars like Ira Glass and Marc Maron have on their show instead of what happened on the television the previous night.

The freedom that free Internet radio grants both the listener and the producer is a tremendous leap beyond the strictly governed world of terrestrial radio. The FCC has no sway over what is said or done on a pod-cast, so there is no way for anyone to censor the content. This ensures that the pod-casters who are generating the content are not chained to a set of outdated laws that hamper free speech. Also, the fact that only the best pod-casts get listened to acts as a filter to screen out the chaff that tries to be offensive for no other purpose then to shock. It takes quality programming to balance the profane and the listenable.

This is where Foul Mouth Radio steps up to the plate. This is free Internet radio at its most extreme. Headed by the nefarious Captain C.B. and Cannon, the show also features the heavy-chested talents of the young Melons as their trusty sidekick. Foul Mouth Radio is a hilarious example of what Podcasting has to offer. They take the envelope and push it as far as they possibly can, and they certainly don't care who they offend along the way. Toilet humor, strong sexual themes, race relations, and politics are all on the board for discussion, and none of them pull any punches with the other.

The show was first created back in 2007 as a vehicle to carry the brand of Foul Mouth Shirts to people who would have never heard of it otherwise. The idea was a success, drawing in people with a new type of advertainment that drove people to the show and then to the infamous t-shirt site. Foul Mouth Radio became such a success, that lesser companies began copying the idea and coming out with their own shows to compete with the marketing ploy that Foul Mouth Shirts executed so well. Now, the show has made its way to a proper home for free Internet radio and has begun to flourish at iTunes.

Foul Mouth Radio is not for everyone. It is a special thing made for a certain breed of rebel that spits in the face of common decency. People like this free Internet radio show because of that sense that anything may, and probably will, happen. While many people would be put off by the things these degenerates talk about, some are drawn to it. It is these people that Foul Mouth Radio feels a kinship to. People who deny the need for Political Correctness are Foul Mouth people to the core.

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