Monday, April 30, 2012

Team Communication: Dancing Close To The Edge

By Richard Tyler

Team Communication: What occurs when it's clunky?

It's true, when there's a shortage of team communication and connection, making an impact and getting stuff done becomes much much more difficult. The problem with having a background in music and performance iis that I tend to not always just enjoy performances for what they are. I would like to unpick them and really understand what it is that works and what it is that would make it more striking.

I watch and listen to music wherever and whenever I am able to. I am fascinated by it. I'm devoted to it. Now and then, I end up watching a band or an orchestra that is simply clumsy and disconnected. Maybe you have already seen one too? It is a distressing experience. Probably for the players as much as for the spectators! It's robotic. Lacks feeling. Lacks imagination. Lacks commitment.

Often, I observe teams in associations doing the very same things.

Team Communication: Celebrating talent

We have just returned from a week in Barcelona - a really inspirational place. As we walked around the Gaudi museum and surrounding grounds, we came across this group of performers.

How fascinating they were. If I could have bottled their team communication attitude and approach and their behaviour I'd have done so. Actually, they were quite incredible. They were brave: stretching the notes, sounds and passion to the very edge. They were totally immersed in it: everyone one of them loving what they were producing and loving that the audience were really seduced. They were committed: every one of them giving it their all, no matter whether they were leading the vocals or sat at the end playing the drums. And they celebrated; they celebrated each others talent. There really was a remarkable energy and electricity performed by these fellows. Actually amazing.

Team Communication: Make sure it happens for your team.

What does you inner voice say to you at this time? What reasons does it feed you - why your team - 'can't do it that way because '?

I wish it were rocket science. Sadly it's not. That suggests that any team can create a dynamic team, just like this no matter whether you are in Barcelona making music or in Basingstoke making numbers increase.

You can start now by deciding how you could contribute differently right? Of course , it's the one bit you have total control of. What actions could you take today that would start to unlock the passion, connection and extraordinary dynamic in your team?

Please speak with us about how we are able to run Team Events and Team Motivation programmes for both you and your organisation.

Team Communication needs everybody to dance that bit closer to the edge. Go on; get your dancing shoes on now.

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