Friday, May 4, 2012

Healthy Topics for Great Presentations

By Matthew Davis

As Andy Warhol once said "everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame" and if it is a written or oral presentation whatever comes across through that presentation is a direct reflection on the person who wrote it. Obviously the simplest presentations to do are on subjects you're passionate about and have a data base to draw ideas from, but that isn't always the situation. However writing on a subject that isn't familiar to you doesn't have to be that tough; there are websites that have great presentation ideas and valuable tips.

The most common mistake made when writing a presentation is not targeting only 1 concept which will make for a really unhealthy presentation. If there are too many different elements in one presentation the audience will struggle to follow the primary idea. Once your audience get confused they lose interest and just stop listening completely. As an example, if the topic is Health and Nutrition you need to use presentation ideas (these were discovered on such as:

1) How new government labeling standards have assisted the consumer in food selections

2) What everyone should really know about junk food

3) The results of raised sugar consumption on youngsters

4) The relationship between diet and hyperactivity in youngsters

5) Monosodium glutamate (MSG) How is it typically used? What are examples of its side-effects?

6) Food additions that've been demonstrated to be dangerous. Are they in use?

But a great presentation should be stuffed with engaging facts and info on just one subject. So if the subject is on government labeling don't venture off on what fast food is then how sugary pre-processed food isn't very good for kids just like MSG and red dye 2 is and how it causes hyperactivity. Whoever reads or hears that presentation will be shaking their head trying to figure out what hyperactivity has to do with government labels and become extremely confused just like you probably did while reading it.

A great presentation is composed of well-organized viewpoints that leave the reader (or listener) with a new understanding on the topic and shows the writer wasn't just knowledgeable on the topic but also knew the way to present it in a perfect manner. Just remember "Rome wasn't built in a day" so if you need presentation ideas or more tips just head over to

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