Friday, May 25, 2012

The Story of Telecommunication Towers

By Kapil Ochani

Telecommunication towers have made free communication possible within a nation as well as across the borders. It is interesting to note how these towers are set up.

Telecommunication towers have flipped the way things are seen and perceived in today's world. They have spurted up the developmental process with their usage in the fields of mobile, internet, radio and television to broadcast signals for navigation and keep the process of communication on a roll. Some of the most common types of telecommunication towers may include flood light towers, power transmission towers, TV towers and the MWs. While some of the towers are meant for ground installations, others are more suitable to be mounted atop of buildings.

Some other types of telecommunication towers may include the towers meant for roof top mountings or RFT, Triangular Towers, towers meant for ground base application or GBT, Square towers, Angular Towers and Tubular Towers. These tower manufacturing companies go deep into details to know everything that the customers expect the towers to be like and then according to the given directions make tailor made towers keeping the specific requirements in mind. Some of the details that the manufacturing companies ask for include the height of the tower, the space available, the Antenna loading, wind speed application, twist and the sway required as well as information about some other facilities.

Companies conduct several types of investigations regarding the installation of the telecommunication towers. The most important investigation of all is that of soil investigation. It is done to ascertain basic information about the soil and its condition. The type of soil available at the site is very important to know what can be expected from it in terms of setting up of the tower. Researchers spend a lot of time to know about the soil type. Several drilling machines are taken to the site sometimes along with several other equipments to test the soil on a number of parameters. Thereafter, the land is drilled into and a few samples of the soil under handful of conditions are taken back. These samples are then tested in laboratories. These soil samples tell a lot about the land including the height of the tower that the soil can allow, the water table present under the land on site and about the desired characteristics of the soil which are expected to pave way for a safe and strong tower foundation. These factors determined by the soil test help form the soil result.

The design of the foundation of these towers is made only after a thorough and detailed analysis and study of the soil. Experts sit down with the results of the soil investigation and only after that are the matters taken ahead with the approval from the authorities.

Once the design is finalized and approved, the construction of the foundations takes place according to the designs. Proper concrete mixture is developed to ensure the strength of the foundation of these towers. The telecommunication towers form the basis of most of the developmental process in a country and have made communication possible not only within the geographical borders of a nation but also across the borders. From mobile networks and to catch the signals to your favorite radio station to watching your favorite show on television, these towers have contributed a lot to bridge the gaps.

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