Saturday, June 30, 2012

5 Harsh Realities Of Networks

By Charles Rahall

If you rely on cell phones to do business, then it may shock you when you think about how long cell phones have been around, and how people had to use much less efficient means for business before that, like using the postal service. In those times, it was really hard to contact people using those outdated services.

Because of this, the demand for mobile phones was increasing, and finally cell phones were invented. At the same time as this, the older style landlines became more efficient, and people were now able to use them to conduct business a little easier. With cell phones, people have found that it is much easier for them to do business and call friends and family whenever and wherever they want. Still, it is important to realize that these advancements with mobile phone technology have only happened in the last few years.

Long distance communication has been difficult for humans since the dawn of the earth, and people have always wanted to be able to connect with other people and cultures across the world. At first, very simple methods were used like church bells and loud drums or music to signal certain events. Sometimes, people would even go to the extent of physically delivering messages, by running or riding horses. These were the methods that people had to use before the industrial era, and they worked somewhat well for the purposes that they needed.

As communication evolved, people were able to get places faster by the means of automobiles instead of horseback riding. Finally, there was a breakthrough in the communications industry in the 19th century that gave people the ability to communicate very quickly over long distances. When the telegraph was invented, people were able to send an unheard of amount of information very quickly without having to go anywhere themselves. Telegraphs and Morse code gave people the ability to communicate with each other with technology that seemed unreal at the time.

When the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, people were finally able to understand that this was a reality that they would be able to live in. Since most people still couldn't afford something like this at that time, it was used by rich companies and government to send information because it had such a low error rate for telecommunication services at that time. Eventually, this technology rose to the cell phone and internet services that we use today, and we have been spoiled with the ability to communicate with others so easily.

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