Thursday, August 9, 2012

Benefits Experienced By People Who Learn Morse Code

By Muriel Noel

People who learn Morse code benefit in several ways. First, they have an efficient way to utilize bandwidth. Whether you typically send long, complicated messages or shorter, more concise ones, the way you utilize space is important. The system has endured through the years because it allows space to be used to well.

People in many different parts of the world prefer this type of communication due to the fact that it is universal. No language barrier exists to prevent participants from sending messages to each other. In every country, CW symbols carry the same meaning. A recipient in Spain can easily interpret what someone in Egypt is saying to them.

Quite a few operators make new acquaintances when they are just learning the system. Even if those acquaintances move far away they can still keep in touch with each other through this inexpensive means. As their skills improve, they interact with more new people and their network grows.

This is a cost effective means of transmission for individuals and groups. If a community wants to set up their own office for broadcasting messages, they can do so. Many countries include these systems in their overall communication plan because they do not have to spend much money on it.

CW is a whole lot stronger than signals which are produced by many other networks. It can pass easily though trees, buildings and walls. Natural and artificial structures cannot block it. It does not weaken after a short distance so a message can be sent to an area thousands of miles away with little power.

People do not need to Learn Morse Code nowadays if they want to be licensed by the FCC. However many individuals still spend time practicing CW operation in order to become skilled at it. Transmitters and receivers for continuous wave operation can be constructed easily so they may exchange messages with other users.

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