Saturday, August 18, 2012

Things To Know In PowerPoint Presentation Design Methods

By Harry Feldstone

If you plan on using a PowerPoint presentation to assist you in a situation or work environment where you have to pitch an idea or concept to a room full of people, then you need to have a solid start. The slide shows that can be designed can be very influential in the outcome of a meeting. As such, the proper PowerPoint presentation design is indispensable when it comes to achieving good results.

First of all, simplicity is key. The reason for using the program is to complement the speaker and provide supplemental information. Cluttering every slide with lots of images or text can be very distracting, as well as confusing while trying to simultaneously listen to the speaker. Every item in a slide should be there for a reason.

You should focus on specific words and phrases that will stick in the audience's mind when incorporating text into the slide show. Long lists of bullet points can get boring and lose the attention of the audience. Note also that you do not even need to use text at times; selecting the right image to illustrate a specific point can be just as effective.

Keep the amount of animations in object builds and slide transitions to a minimum. This is because they can slow down the process and lack professionalism. In total, only two or three different styles of animations should be used in one entire slide show.

Try as much as possible to use your own pictures and photos. Make them as high quality as possible and you will be taken much more seriously by your audience than if you use the simple drawings that come with PowerPoint. Using your own images will prove how dedicated you are to your subject matter.

In closing, good PowerPoint presentation design requires some attention to the use of certain fonts and colors. Both of these aspects have the ability to make the audience feel a certain way. This is a good trick to know when trying to achieve a particular response that is favorable to your desired outcome.

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