Tuesday, December 25, 2012

70% of British Businesses to go Voip in the Next Year

By Saul Saresi

Latest findings indicate that almost three quarters of British businesses will look to utilise at least one form of Voip service within their business within the next few months, according to a survey of over 100 UK companies carried out by Telappliant from various sectors in the business world.

Other findings from the survey showed that Voip technology is currently utilised by just 40% of UK businesses, but that a further quarter (25%) planned to make the switch within the next twelve months. It also found that medium sized companies with staff numbers of between one hundred and five hundred had the fastest adoption rate.

The study also identified that the leading factor in moving to Voip technology was the savings offered over traditional analogue phone systems - a factor cited by 68% of the businesses interviewed - followed by the potential for remote working, the leading factor for 22% of businesses.

And this is highlighted by the statistics, with price being the motivating factor for 70% of businesses, with remote working accounting for just over 20%. And there are still many companies - nearly 50% - who believe that Voip technology is still too unreliable and complex to trust.

But, it seems that once companies have made the switch to a Voip service, any fears and doubts they may have had quickly become overshadowed by the benefits, with 99% of firms reporting that once Voip systems had been integrated into their business, the savings they made more than covered the cost of migration.

But the future of Voip is in no doubt to Tan Askoy - Telapplaint's CEO - who believes that not only should Voip services be fully embraced by both small and medium UK businesses alike, but that the opportunities offered by business mobiles and 3G and 4G technology will offer many more opportunities in the near future.

So the facts are clear and without doubt. Voip will only continue to grow and take more market share from traditional phone services, and within the next 6 months the volume of business calls being made via Voip will far outweigh those made via traditional phone systems.

So if you happen to work for a company that has not yet embraced the benefits of Voip, why not show your boss the latest research and explain how you can save the company money whilst offering increased flexibility and who knows, maybe earn yourself a promotion at the same time.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

voip is spreading as a great technology in the world. in upcoming 2 to 3 years. really this is a great technology and it will reduce our telephone cost very much..

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