Sunday, January 27, 2013

Are You Having a Hard Time Choosing the Top Free Android Applications?

By Tommie Hyden

People once chose their cell phones based almost entirely on how clear the calls were and how many minutes they could buy from the cellular provider. Now people chose their cell phones based on the phone's level of smart. Today some people choose their smart phones by how many applications the phones have. In the cell phone market, the Android app market is the best around. There are many hundreds of applications available for Android phone users. How are you supposed to figure out which apps are best for you? Thankfully there are plenty of free apps that you can play with without having to worry about wasting your money. Here are some of the top free Android Applications.

Everyday living is improved by the features offered on Android phones. The Android phone is capable of doing almost anything you need it to. There are so many wonderful applications that are free it is hard to pick the ones you really need. In the interest of saving you some time, here are the top free Android applications in the Android Market

Very useful is the free Android app, called Loopt. This is an application that helps you find your friends and family members. The only downside is they also have to be hooked up with Loopt. Simply send them a ping through Loopt and you will be given their location. A locator marker will pop up on a map that will help you find them if you want to get together with them. You can also share tons of other things with them. This is a terrific application when you are sitting somewhere and want to find out if any of your friends are nearby. It is also an excellent way to find your kids when they are tardy in returning home.

The US Traffic App is quite possibly one of the most useful of the free Android apps. This is a free application that you can use to help you stay current with your neighbourhood's traffic conditions. This is a great app but it only tracks traffic conditions in the United States. If you live in the United States, however, this single app can be incredibly useful in helping you avoid delays and long trips home. Simply take a look at the traffic conditions in your neighbourhood and city and plan your route accordingly!

Some of the fun of owning a smart phone is dabbling around with the free applications. For people who don't want to break the bank on a smart phone, the Android phone is a terrific smart phone. Sorting through all of the free Android applications can take quite a bit of time, so why not let others do the work for you? When we tried out the free apps attainable on the Android market, these were some of our favourites.

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