Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jumping Into Tablet Technology With The IPad

By Candelaria Darting

iPads are wonderful devices that offer consumers a wide range of features. If you have just purchased your first iPad, learning to use it can be difficult. With all of its immense technology the iPad can intimidate new users. Do not worry, this article contains great advice that will help you to use your iPad to its full potential, read on to learn more.

Auto correct is a wonderful feature on the iPad for those of use that are spelling challenge. Your auto correct feature is automatically enabled. To use it, simply hit enter as soon as you see the spelling correction pop up on your screen. This is an easy way to reduce your editing time and keep yourself from having to look up every word you spell.

If your iPad turn by turn directions are too soft or loud, change them in settings. Some people may need a little extra volume for these directions, while others like them softer. No matter your need, you can make adjustments right in your iPad settings. You can even turn off the voice if you don't want it.

Use Folders. You can now put folders on your iPad. Simply press down on one icon until it begins to jiggle, and then place it "on top" of another icon. You will then create a folder that includes both of those icons. This can be a quick way to organize all of the things you have on your iPad.

Go into your settings, navigate to "general" and slide the side switch to "lock orientation." Typically, this is set to mute, but that can be incredibly inconvenient. For example, if you are trying to read on your iPad, the screen may continuously rotate, causing you some frustration. Fix this ahead of time.

A great feature of the iPad is the zoom features. You can easily zoom in and out of any website by pinching with two fingers on the screen. This will help you select tiny links or features when they are larger. You can also double-tap on any image or text to enable auto-zoom.

A hidden feature on the iPad's keyboard is the quick apostrophe key. When using Mail, Notes or Pages you do not have to go to the second keyboard when you need to use an apostrophe. Tap down and hold the "!" key. An apostrophe will appear above, and you just slide your finger to select.

Did you know you can change the apps at the bottom of your screen? If you find you're not using those which are there, or you'd just like to switch them out, press and hold an icon until they begin to wiggle. Drag out those you don't want and drag in those you do want.

Before allowing your children to use your iPad, restrict access to adult content. Under Settings, navigate to General and then to Restrictions. Select the Enable Restrictions option. This setting can protect young eyes and ears from explicit language and mature content in apps, games, podcasts, movies, TV shows and more.

You can use Google Maps as an alternative to a GPS, even though there is no built-in satellite navigation in your iPad. Launch Google Maps and do a search for directions. You only have to enter your destination and your iPad will automatically figure out your current location. You will then have access to step by step directions.

In conclusion, some people use their iPad for fun and others use it for their professional life. No matter what the case is for you, you need to know everything you can about the iPad to truly take advantage of this wonderful advice. Use the tips this article has provided you with to do just that.

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