Monday, January 7, 2013

Using Your IPad And Get The Most Of It

By Fritz Mosen

Every new gadget in technology is fun to have, but there is something extra special about an iPad. If you are the proud new owner of an iPad, you need to know how to navigate it and master its use. The following article will help you to do just that.

If you cannot find where your iPad is, you can find it from iCould. Go to your Settings and then iCloud. Enter your ID number that Apple provided you and then select Find My iPad. As long as you are connected to a network somewhere, you will be able to locate your iPad.

Know how to take a screenshot with your iPad. Simply depress the Power and Home buttons simultaneously for just a second. A photo of your screen's contents will automatically appear in your photo folder for easy access. Be careful not to depress the buttons too long, however, because the device will reboot.

If you aren't sure if an iPad is for you(it is)then you should ask to borrow one from a friend. After playing with it for an hour or two, then you will have a much better idea of exactly what it is capable of and what it can do for your life.

You have probably downloaded enough apps by now to be thinking about app notifications and how to control them. Controlling app notifications is under settings and then notification. By accessing this area, you can control which apps send you notifications, where they appear, and how often they appear as well.

Do you want to enable restrictions on your iPad? If so, go to settings, then general, then restrictions, and finally, enable restrictions. This is effective for your game center, content, apps and much more. To disable in-app purchases, all you have to do is go to the "allowed content" setting and disable "in-app" purchases.

If you have some recently purchased apps from the app store you want to hide, it's quite easy! Open up the App Store and click on the 'purchased' tab on the bottom of your screen. It should give you a list of apps and choose the one you wish to hide. Swipe over the app or right over it, and it should now grey out over the 'installed' button. A red button will pop up and you will now have the option to hide the app.

If you are worried that a four digit passcode is not enough to keep your iPad secure, you can opt for a longer one. You can go into your settings and change it so that you can use as many characters as you would like. This is useful if you know there is a chance someone you know will guess any four digit code you choose.

Before you purchase an iPad, you should take the time to make a list of the features you need and decide what kind of storage size you want. There are different models of iPads available and there is no point in spending money on features you are never going to use.

All of the satellite navigation applications in the iPad are not free. A good substitute for this is using the Maps instead. Tap on Directions in the upper left of Maps. The iPad will then figure out your location and will direct you on each stage of your travels to your destination.

It may take a while, but once you've got command of your iPad, you've literally got the world at your finger tips! Use the above information to get you started on mastering the iPad. Before long you will be buzzing through apps and creating a whole new virtual experience for yourself!

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