Sunday, February 3, 2013

What You Need To Consider When It Comes to Hosted Telephony

By Emily Collins

With the introduction of IP technology and business telephone services, many companies and offices are adopting hosted telephony installations as a part of their everyday communications service. As a whole hosted telephony can cut costs, increase productivity, and improve communication between customers, business, and partners, and provide greater flexibility for workers.

Few businesses realise hosted telephony packages include many clauses and additions that can dramatically increase the price and service of a hosted telephony package. When considering installing hosted telephony as a part of your business, take a look at some of the top factors below before make a choice.

The low cost of the system is perhaps the most popular reason that businesses cite for choosing hosted telephony. Instead of paying separate internet and telephone costs to different providers, hosted telephony will allow you to make calls over the internet. This decreases the cost of calls and rolls several bills into one reduced monthly payment.

Although some communication technology providers require customers to already have the premise based data centre requirements, such as routers and software, which are omitted from the advertised monthly costs. This combined with the other associated costs, like rack space, air conditioning and IT support, can dramatically increase the original monthly cost. Before you sign a contract with a hosted telephony provider, such as Britannic, check to see whether they have any data centre requirements.

Flexibility is definitely a factor that new businesses should consider when installing hosted telephony. There are some hosted telephony providers what will provide you with little flexibility in their contracts. Should your business dramatically grow before the end of the contract, you may find the productivity and communications of your business suffer, and ultimately so does the success. Some service providers can scale their communication requirements depending on the growth or decrease of business requirements, i.e. installing more routers or switchers. The can also affect the scale of IT support and the monitoring of hosted telephony systems, which will vary depending on the needs of a growing business.

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