Saturday, October 14, 2023

From Barrister Rechard Douglas

Dear Sir,

My name is Barrister Rechard Douglas, Attorney to Engr.
Kewal Pajpul, an Indian National who was a gold merchant
based in Accra Ghana in West Africa. On the 19th of
January, 2012, my client traveled to Kano State in Nigeria
West Africa to seal up a contract deal with a Mining firm
based in Kano State, but unfortunately he was killed by
the coordinated bombing and gun attacks in Kano by the
Boko Haram Sect an Islamic religious sect in Nigeria, in
which over 100 people were killed on the 20th January
Before his death, he deposited the sum of $45 million
United States Dollars with a bank in Ghana meant for the
purchase of a gold field in Ghana which I am fully aware
of as his attorney.
Since his death, the business could not continue which
made me to demand back the fund from the bank but I was
asked to present the next of kin to the deceased.
All effort made to get the relatives of the deceased
proved abortive hence I have to seek your assistance to
stand as the next of kin to my client, on condition that I
and you will share the fund on the modalities as may be
agreed by both of us once it is transferred into your bank
I have all the necessary documents to back up this claim.
Await your urgent response.


Barrister Rechard Douglas

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