Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Is Mobile Marketing The Right Choice For Your Business?

By Douglas Katelyn

Mobile marketing is one of the fastest and most direct ways to reach your customers. Many people use their cell phone now as a primary computer. If you are not learning to market in this industry, you can promise yourself you will not get very far. Read this article to learn some tips for marketing in this new generation.

The most visible mobile marketing is in social networking. The growth of social networking is phenomenal and continues to grow. Making your company viable in the social net realm is of utmost importance. It doesn't matter what your market segment is, you will find them on social networks everyday of the week. Target these sites and build your business.

Don't forget email when you are building your mobile marketing strategy. Modern smart phones have rich email clients or the ability to open web-based email clients like Gmail or Yahoo. If you are targeting mobile users with your email campaign, be sure to optimize you email creative to make sure it is effective on a smaller screen.

Brief and non-business related links and text messages are allowable in network marketing, but make sure you are sending out relevant content that your subscribers would enjoy or find helpful. This should only be done occasionally because you do not want to appear to be a spammy sender and have customers unsubscribe.

You must get someone's permission to send them messages. If you do not, it will be considered as spam and you could get in trouble over it. Ask people to sign up as customers, and have them tick a box that said they agree to receive promotional offers via their mobile phones.

Compared to general Internet marketing, mobile marketing must be short and specific. For example, when targeting users on desktops, it is fine to use a banner ad that points to the main page of your web based store. However, on a mobile ad, even if you manage to get users to visit your website, the vast majority of visitors will not spend time browsing your website. It is far more effective to choose a specific product, and use a concise message that links them directly to a purchase page.

Make movement user-friendly for all makes and models! Many of the new mobile devices can be difficult to navigate. Make your mobile marketing messages easy to navigate. While some customers may be viewing your content from cell phones, tablets, and laptops, others might be using a well dated cell phone with limited capabilities for movement within your marketing messages. Design your marketing to reach a wide range of customers!

Focus on relevance and timeliness when planning your mobile marketing campaign. Messages received in this format should be brief bursts of information that can be immediately applied. For example, rather than messaging about a sale scheduled weeks in advance, send a reminder shortly before opening hours or provide information not previously available like a change in speaker.

Make sure your mobile marketing has a clear path to unsubscribing. There are legal ramifications to not having an apparent opt-out on every single piece of mobile and digital marketing, so develop your opt-out system at the same time that you are developing your subscription system. Each system handles this differently, but opt-outs can be done by clicking a hyperlink or by texting a word like 'unsubscribe' to a mobile short code.

Now that you have a better idea of what you need to do in order to stay successful when it comes to mobile marketing you should start forming strategies. Apply all that you know and see the results, and if something isn't working out then you're going to want to change things until they do. When you do this, success should come before you know it.

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