Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tips on how to study Korean

By Jeff Stacy

Studying a different language tends to be fun and interesting at the beginning but before too long, that early enthusiasm may start to wear away. If you happen to learning Korean, and desires to produce even further growth, I'd like to recommend next guidelines to learn Korean.

Learn basic Korean words that are commonly used

It's crucial you know a few basic Korean words before looking into learning the grammar and other longer phrases. Learning relatively easy words would be likely to be simpler than studying the grammar in the first instance, and using this method will help you to build up your confidence in learning the language

Select words that you employ commonly. For instance, the names of plants, animals, fruit, and vegetables, as well as things like cup, glass, pencil, room and chair which you encounter regularly in your daily life. This method helps you become conditioned to thinking objects in terms of their names in Korean. As you enter a room, you can remember what a room is called in Korean.

Next, focus on the pronunciation of the words you mastered

Since you have memorized multiple Korean words and have learned to write. It is now essential you get the pronunciation right. All things considered, the point of learning Korean will be to comprehend native speakers talking in Korean.

Therefore, I advise that you simply go seek your Korean friends or colleagues to help you out on the pronunciation. Request that they pronounce it to you personally, in order that you could recognize what they're saying in Korean. You may also make use of Google translate or online Korean dictionary to listen to the sounds of words and phrases in Korean.

Learn the Beginner's Korean Grammar

Since you're now informed about quite a few Korean words and recognise them when you listen to them, you probably should start to learn the Korean grammar. Understanding the basic sentence order can assist you with creating Korean sentences and make use of them whenever you can, especially to other native Korean speakers.

Additionally, you may also like to hear other Koreans, allowing you to know what they're saying. There is very little point in practising speaking in Korean on it's own whilst you cannot understand basic sentences spoken to you. So make sure you employ listening tapes and various listening materials so that you can improve your listening skills.

These rules will allow you to start your Korean language learning. Developing confidence is a very important component of learning. Once you are confident about hearing and speaking several words, phrases and sentences that you have mastered, you are also likely to show progress in your listening, reading and speaking skills a lot faster.

You'll also build momentum little by little since you will have established a good foundation of numerous Korean phrases and words with which you could make more complex sentences and phrases.

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