Monday, January 14, 2013

Subliminal Messages Downloads

By Paula R. Coleman

A subliminal message is a signal or a message recorded in a video or audio beneath the original text. Such subliminal messages have no influence on our conscious mind but affect our subconscious. The subconscious may then influence our conscious actions to act in according to the message embedded within the message. Some argue that effects of subliminal messages are rather insignificant while others argue that they are unfair and potentially harmful, especially if abused.

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Each company markets a numeral of different videos. Powerful, professionally produced images and subliminal videos make YOU the enormous success you never dreamed you might be. Suddenly you love luxury and KNOW how to get it. Using a patented subliminal delivery system,Subliminal Videos Flash flashes secure and unobtrusive messages around your monitor as you use your PC. It's a gamble, and can get expensive. The Subliminal Power program runs flashing messages on your computer screen. This is an necessary feature as you can alter the subliminal programming to match your unique requirements. If you see at the various types of messages, you might see that some are indistinguishable to the human eye and require special equipment to set them apart.

In the late 60's a Beatles album was supposedly contained one example of a subliminal messages in music, a suggestion that Paul McCartney had died. The controversy raged extensively when some religious groups claimed that Satan was possessing the singers and causing them to insert subliminal messages in music.Another popular example of subliminal messages in music is the popular song Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. This song contained not one but many subliminal messages. "Play backwards. Hear words sung", is the message you hear at the very end of the song. Amazingly, if you play the song backward you will find many satanic related messages. For example, somewhere in the middle of the song it says, "It's my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad whose power is fake."

Wilson Bryan Key, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, conducted his research particularly in subliminal messages in pictures. He discovered that subliminal messages were used almost in all advertisements. For example, Wilson Bryan Key found that in the Johnny Walker Scotch ads the ice cubes had images of screaming faces, skulls, and other horrific images. Other products in which subliminal messages have been used are beer products like Labatt's, tobacco products, alcohol products, food products, pharmaceutical products and sports equipment and even in drinks such as coke.

Another interesting example of subliminal messages in picture is dated back to year 1988 when a subliminal picture of French president before his re-election was mixed with the title sequence of French national television daily news show for several consecutive days.In a recent case a McDonald's logo appeared at one point during Food Network's series Iron Chef America. It lead to many claims that it was an instance of subliminal messages in pictures although Food Network claimed otherwise.

Subliminal messages in music do not necessarily need to be all bad. If one was to listen to a subliminal message in music designed to help them lose weight, studies indicate that they would, more than likely, be able to lose weight dramatically. Utilizing subliminal messages in music has not been studied long enough to determine their effectiveness, but should they prove to be effective, they can shave years off of your own personal change, whether you want more confidence, to lose weight, or to quit smoking.

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